Two minutes with…Paul Jeal



With his recent promotion to Associate Director – Technical Design and Delivery, we took the opportunity to catch up with Paul Jeal:

When did you join Lands Improvement and what attracted you to the business?

I joined in January 2009 from the engineering consultancy sector. The sector was badly hit during the ‘credit crunch’ recession and I was offered an interview for this strategic land developer / promoter called Lands Improvement. After meeting Paul McDiarmid, James Stone and Henry Richards, I was intrigued and excited about a new direction, and thankfully they saw something in me and made me an offer to join them.

Although I enjoyed the engineering design work I left behind, it can be quite repetitive and focused on just one element. But working client side you get to influence and shape the whole development, not just one or two isolated elements.


What does your job entail?

I have quite a wide-reaching varied workload. I get to oversee the evolution of the whole masterplan, which is very interesting; from landscaping and public realm, to engineering designs and securing planning permissions. Plus, I get to progress our delivery strategies, bringing forward serviced phases to support land disposals.


What’s your favourite element of what you do?

The master developer role means we get to stay for the long term and see the development flourish, with real resident engagement and feedback along the way. Ultimately, we lay the foundations for them to establish their community. We have a presence on-site at our Linmere development, so we get to receive real time resident feedback, which helps with our lessons learned and to help us adapt moving forward. We concentrate on both quality and function of our placemaking ambitions and I enjoy the pride we take in trying to get it right, and inclusive, for all residents.


Do you have a favourite project that you have worked on?

Linmere currently – the project team feel very connected to the development and we’re very passionate about delivering a thriving new development.


What advice would you give someone starting out in the industry?

Be patient and search for an area you find most enjoyment in. Previously it was all about engineering for me; although that’s important, I hadn’t realised how wide my knowledge and experience could reach. I now enjoy wider influence to ensure the development functions for all abilities and age groups, which to be honest, has helped given me new enthusiasm.


What’s the one thing you would change about the industry?

We really need to be better at communicating how new developments can have a positive impact to existing communities. Our industry sometimes suffers from a negative narrative, but as developers I feel we could better challenge this and perhaps change the general public’s perception. Just last week, a work-experience person was completely surprised stating how, just after being with us all for a few days, had a completely different, positive opinion. They were impressed with our genuine care and efforts we put in. If only we could get that message out nationally.


What’s your favourite sport? Do you support any team?

I love F1 and football. Sadly, I’ve not made it to any live F1 races – I’ve been to a few British GP qualifiers and practice days, but never race day – hopefully one day soon though. Lewis winning the recent British GP is my sporting highlight so far this year.

I’m an Arsenal fan and have enjoyed (most of the time) having a season ticket for about 15 years now.


Favourite band?

The nineties into the early 2000’s was a golden age for me, with great new bands appearing what seemed like almost 1 a month! I feel quite lucky to have lived my youth through that period, great music from here and abroad. I sound old I know, but that scene has faded, evident with lack of iconic bands now not headlining the big festivals. The only band I can think of, that has made it through in recent decade or so, is MUSE, so talented and great live.


Favourite destination?

I’m a country boy at heart so I’m happiest out and about in the peace and quiet of the countryside either running, hiking or cycling. I love the Lake District, Highlands, or the Southwest with its fantastic coastal paths. But for some sun I’m also happy to be plonked on some beach somewhere or by a pool, but only for a few days before I get restless!