New dual carriage way completed as part of Houghton Regis scheme

A new dual carriage way between the A5-M1 has been completed and is set to unlock new housing and jobs in Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire.
The £200m project completed by Highways England was created to help relieve congestion and improve connections between local villages and communities.
The dual carriageway was part funded by developers Lands Improvement and Axa Real Estate, who contributed £45m to delivering the link road as part of the Houghton Regis North (HRN1) scheme. The new road also joins the new Woodside Link road that Central Bedfordshire Council are building as part of the Dunstable Town Centre Masterplan, and provides access to the new Houghton Regis North (HRN1) development.
This scheme is expected to improve road safety and bring economic benefits to the region. In particular, it is expected to unlock the development of 7,000 houses and 40 hectares of employment land, potentially providing 4,000 jobs in the Houghton Regis area.
For more information about the Houghton Regis scheme, please click here.