Lands Improvement host Fields in Trust launch of refreshed Standards

On 28 November, Lands Improvement hosted Fields in Trust for the launch of their refreshed standards for open space – The Fields in Trust Standards.
We recognise that quality open spaces are fundamental to the success of any new development and as such, a key element of our placemaking strategy is a focus on the ‘spaces in between the buildings’ – be it informal open spaces, formal facilities or within the core infrastructure.
Far too often these spaces do not produce the benefits for residents and the wider community that they should. We strongly believe that developers and local authorities should aim higher and think wider in their aspirations for these spaces.
These refreshed Standards are an important step. The key themes within the Standards are a very useful platform for thinking about the role these spaces should have, and tie very closely with our thinking when we design our open spaces:
• Accessible, safe and inclusive
• Promote active healthy lifestyles
• Support mental wellbeing
• Resilient to climate change
• Provide space for nature to thrive
• Adaptable to community needs
The refresh highlighted examples and the wider database of case studies that Fields in Trust have collated, providing valuable insights and showing the possibilities that will be a valuable tool for many.